Tuesday 15 October 2013

Barn Owls

For the past year I've been making odd trips to where I know a couple of barn owl hunt, managing a few shots but light was always unfavourable. Last Saturday I made an quick decision to go down for a couple of hours now breeding has finished. It had been raining the day before and during the night so chance were looking good. Within five mins I saw the owl hunting but a bit too far off. Gradually coming closer and just when coming into range went down. I crept closer and eventually saw it mantling some prey facing away from me. A quick re-position the other side of a mound of earth hoping for a quick shot as it flew off, and it jumped up on the post not 30 feet away and happily struck some poses, throwing me the odd glance. A super close encounter with a great bird. As always I would have liked a cleaner background, something to keep aiming for :)

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