Wednesday 27 November 2013

Woodland Hide

I created a small feeding station in some local woods two years ago and managed some reasonable shots of some of the birds there using a portable hide. This year I have built a permanent one which is a bit more comfortable and have some some better ideas for shots. If you want to learn more about set-up bird photography I would thoroughly recommend purchasing Alan Murphy's e-books / videos and giving it a go. I have learnt a lot from setting up the feedstation especially photography from an artistic point of view, and hope to create some more pleasing shots of some of the commoner species found there. Working so close with birds really tests your focus and I found out that my lens needs some minor adjustment as it front focusing very slightly.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Coal Tit

There were 2 problems with this perch, 1. not enough plant decoration and 2. the broken bit was too light. Easily fixed by adding more plants and rubbing some mud into the broken end to dull it down. 

Marsh Tit 

Much better...

Blue Tit

I don't normally post crappy record shots if I can help it, but I really enjoyed seeing this Two-barred Crossbill at Hemsted Forest, made all the better by the company a small crowd. Although unfortunately two of the guys had just left when it showed up.

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