Tuesday 14 January 2014

Grey Phalarope at Hove

After seeing the news early last week that a very tame Grey Phalarope had been located in a paddling pool at Hove I was itching to get down there; seeing some of the images during the week made it worse. For some reason I have always wanted some good images of a Phalarope and Friday night I check all my gear and went to bed praying for the sun to be shining. An early start saw me a Hove at just before 8am, parked up with a quick chat to another photographer who said the bird hadn't been seen pointing to the main lagoon. A quick word about it being seen on the paddling pool and I wandered down, but the phalarope was not there. I searched high and low was it roosting under a bench, or on the main lagoon... again nothing. About 20 mins had passed and I was chatting to the photographer I met earlier, both becoming worried that it had moved on with the clear night beforehand. After 10 more mins I decided that I would head back to car and maybe try Widewater Lagoon further up the Sussex coast with a view to checking the reports and coming back if seen.  Half way back to the car and I heard a shout accompanied with some frantic arm waving. I turned round and headed back to paddling pool and there was the ridiculously bold as brass phalarope swimming around with not a care in the world and the sun shone :)