Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Green Sandpiper

I haven't picked up the camera in just over three months, as I've been making time for the Girlfriend and kids and trying to get a bit fitter. Have refound the pleasure of  cycling which has invariably lead to the purchase of a new toy, but the itch to get out again and shoot has been creeping back. So I decided to have a go at the local (but wildly unpredictable) Barn Owls after work, which would give a an hour and a half of useable light. On my way down to the site I pass a couple of very shallow pools that the local farmer has dug out; a quick scan with the bins and I could see a small bobbing wader in the corner. I slowly hit the deck and started to commando crawl the 50 or so meters through the grass and eventually festering mud to the edge of the pool, pausing occasionally when the sandpiper looked a bit anxious. I'll save the Barn Owls for another day.